Designed for hotels, beauty salons and other facilities with a large number of customers, the ONDA-832 is a hot tub designed for professional use.
The 250×200 cm footprint allows 6 people to sit comfortably plus 1 person in a chaise-longue.
The massage is guaranteed by a large number of jets: 76 water and 27 air.
Thanks to the double air/water massage, a spa session after a workout ensures optimal muscle relaxation and recovery of peripheral circulation. In a beauty salon, it works best for regenerating epidermal cells.
It can be installed indoors, outdoors, above ground, partially underground, and comes standard with chromotherapy, headrest cushions, Bluetooth ® audio, control panel, and Balboa Water Group ® electronics made in the USA.
You can make the ONDA-832 ideal for your space by selecting one of the 18 Aristech Acrylic ® textures (made in the USA) available for the acrylic and one of the 4 colours of the external PVC!